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Lilleputthammer Mini Town

Category: Ramblings | Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:43 am

Once upon a time the main street in Lillehammer (host of the Olympic Winter Games in 1994) consisted of lovely, little wooden houses. Most of them are gone now, but the main street still lives on in miniature. We visited it this week-end, and I thought I'd show some photos:

( photo / image / picture from Droopy's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Droopy's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Droopy's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Droopy's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Droopy's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Droopy's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Droopy's Garden )

Ice cream factory ( photo / image / picture from Droopy's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Droopy's Garden )

Pretty, isn't it? Even I felt like a giant walking around there. :lol:

Most of the houses contain a little shop, playroom or exhibit, but you have to be willing to duck your head in order to get in.

Several of the houses held books, mainly used ones. I carried away two fair-size bags of books that I just couldn't leave behind. I'm hopeless when it comes to books, especially if they're a bargain. :D

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Sjoerd wrote on Wed May 30, 2012 7:58 am:

What a great posting, Droopy. I really enjoyed seeing the different houses, factories and so forth. Oh me, I was pretty excited to hear about the old books that you scored on.
Any titles that might be recognizable outside Norge?


Droopy wrote on Wed May 30, 2012 11:34 am:

Thanks, Sjoerd, and no, I don't think so. :( They're mainly Norwegian childrens' books.


toni wrote on Wed May 30, 2012 3:59 pm:

My goodness, what a great 'little' town. Too bad the originals are gone. The detail is amazing.

Thanks for photographing them with the bench and table to give their size perspective.

I love old book stores, we found one last week on our trip but I only came out with one book and it was one I had been searching for for several years!


Kay wrote on Wed May 30, 2012 7:38 pm:

Such charming little buildings. The photos suggest that the weather was wonderful for your visit. I too am a fan of all books, especially old ones.


gfreiherr wrote on Thu May 31, 2012 2:48 am:

Enjoyed your posting. My grandmother lived near Lillehammer as a child.


Droopy wrote on Thu May 31, 2012 5:17 pm:

Toni, I am not allowed to visit book flea markets. I don't know why. Last time I went I only brought back to cardboard boxes of books...

Kay, the weather was almost too nice. We're not used to high temps yet you see.

greiherr, thanks. Did she now? Then you're 1/4 Norwegian. :D


CrisGzr wrote on Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:22 pm:

Wow, this is amazing. As a shortish person, I would love to walk around here! LOL

Thanks for sharing!

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