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Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)

Type: Species | Edit History      Plant ID - 19085

Image added by
purpleinopp (8118)

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5 ratings

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Urticales
Family: Moraceae
Genus: Ficus
Species: Ficus elastica
Common Names add
Plant Types edit
  • Drought Tolerant
  • Evergreen
  • Houseplant
  • Ornamental
  • Perennial
  • Shrub
  • Tree
  • Tropical
Zones / Hardiness edit
  • 9a (to 25 F / -4 C)
  • 9b (to 30 F / -1 C)
  • 10a (to 35 F / 2 C)
  • 10b (to 40 F / 4 C)
  • 11 (Above 40 F / Above 4 C)
Height (Maximum) edit
  • 20 to 40 feet (6 to 12 m)
Spread (Maximum) edit
  • 20 to 40 feet (6 to 12 m)
Flowering Start edit
  • Non-Flowering
Flowering End edit
Leaf Colour edit
  • Green - Dark
  • Purple
  • Variegated
Leaf Shape edit
  • Alternate
  • Elliptic
  • Ovate
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Suitable For edit
  • Centre Piece
  • Container/Patio
  • Greenhouse
  • Indoor
  • Low Maintenance Garden
  • Shade Garden
  • Tropical Garden
  • Xeriscaping
Sun Exposure edit
  • Full Sun
  • Partial Shade
Soil Types edit
  • Well-drained
  • Acidic / Peaty
  • Alkaline / Chalky
  • Clay / Heavy
  • Loamy / Medium
  • Sandy / Light
  • Tolerant of Most Types
Soil pH edit
Bloom Colour edit
Wildlife Value edit
  • Deer Resistant
Propagation Techniques edit
  • Seed
  • Stem Cutting
  • Layering - Air
  • Leaf Cuttings
Skill Level edit
  • Beginner
Additional Short Notes add
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Members who grow this plant also grow...
  Crassula ovata (Jade Plant)
  Tradescantia zebrina (Wandering Jew)
  Crassula argentea (Jade Plant)
  Kalanchoe x houghtonii (Mother-of-Thousands, Mother-of-Millions)

Contributors For This Plant
  purpleinopp (8118)
FlowerFreak22 (9625)
cherylad (2487)
Netty (13946)
Frank (2698)
  Valkyrie (93)
kkluv155 (414)
  udoit2urself (492)
aythya-camellia (860)
Member8170 (486)
AgnesKS (43)

Gardens Containing This Plant
Frank's Garden
 Valkyrie's Garden
 udoit2urself's Garden
aythya-camellia's Garden
FlowerFreak22's Garden
 joshuab1348's Garden
 swmitra's Garden
 Joe Caudex's Garden
Mrs. Hankshaw's Garden
Scarah's Garden
 purpleinopp's Garden
 Ksnap's Garden
 Klfolger's Garden

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Add Your Opinion About This Plant

  udoit2urself (492) wrote on Aug 21 2009
I really love this ficus, its leaves are deep and robust, with gorgeous dark colours. It compliments cut flower arrangements perfectly.

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Member8170 (486) wrote on Dec 11 2009
The milky white sap may cause irritation to people with sensitive skin.

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aythya-camellia (860) wrote on Nov 23 2009
It is pretty if not forgotten about, but in my experience it needs to be dusted regularly.

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AgnesKS (43) wrote on Feb 10 2010
Rating for this plant:
Rubber Trees have many uses and one of them is using their timber for furnitures. They're heavy and strong. My girlfriend bought me a dining set when I purchased a flat in Singapore. It is still in good condition after 8yrs.

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Note: please don't use this box to post questions, you can do that on our forums instead.

Images for this Plant

Photo of Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
photo / image / picture
Feb 04 2015
by purpleinopp (8118)
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This image is copyright of member purpleinopp (8118).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
photo / image / picture
May 21 2017
by purpleinopp (8118)
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0 people like this image
This image is copyright of member purpleinopp (8118).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
photo / image / picture
Jun 10 2016
by purpleinopp (8118)
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This image is copyright of member purpleinopp (8118).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
photo / image / picture
May 11 2009
by cherylad (2487)
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2 people like this image
This image is copyright of member cherylad (2487).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
photo / image / picture
Jul 24 2015
by purpleinopp (8118)
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0 people like this image
This image is copyright of member purpleinopp (8118).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
photo / image / picture
Jul 31 2015
by purpleinopp (8118)
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1 person likes this image
This image is copyright of member purpleinopp (8118).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
photo / image / picture
Sep 26 2013
by purpleinopp (8118)
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This image is copyright of member purpleinopp (8118).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
photo / image / picture
Oct 10 2018
by purpleinopp (8118)
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This image is copyright of member purpleinopp (8118).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
photo / image / picture
May 11 2009
by cherylad (2487)
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3 people like this image
This image is copyright of member cherylad (2487).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
photo / image / picture
Jul 24 2015
by purpleinopp (8118)
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This image is copyright of member purpleinopp (8118).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
photo / image / picture
Apr 06 2016
by purpleinopp (8118)
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This image is copyright of member purpleinopp (8118).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant, Rubber Tree)
photo / image / picture
Jul 08 2014
by purpleinopp (8118)
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This image is copyright of member purpleinopp (8118).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

This page includes name data supplied by View their own page for this plant.