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Tropaeolum majus (Nasturtium)

Type: Species | Edit History      Plant ID - 505615

Image added by
Netty (13946)

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3 ratings

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Geraniales
Family: Tropaeolaceae
Genus: Tropaeolum
Species: Tropaeolum majus
Common Names add
Plant Types edit
  • Annual
Zones / Hardiness edit
  • 7a (to 5 F / -15 C)
  • 7b (to 10 F / -12 C)
  • 8a (to 15 F / -9 C)
  • 8b (to 20 F / -7 C)
  • 9a (to 25 F / -4 C)
  • 9b (to 30 F / -1 C)
Height (Maximum) edit
  • < 6 inches (< 15 cm)
Spread (Maximum) edit
  • 2 to 5 feet (60 cm to 1 1/2 m)
Flowering Start edit
  • June
Flowering End edit
  • October
Leaf Colour edit
  • Green - Medium
  • Green - Dark
  • Purple
Leaf Shape edit
  • Peltate
  • Reniform
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that we are missing?
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Suitable For edit
  • Border/Bed
  • Container/Patio
  • Wall/Trellis
  • Butterfly Garden
  • Cottage Garden
  • Wildlife Garden
Sun Exposure edit
  • Full Sun
  • Partial Shade
Soil Types edit
  • Sandy / Light
Soil pH edit
  • 6.0 - 6.4 (Slightly acidic)
Bloom Colour edit
  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow/Gold
  • Blue
  • Lavender
  • Black
Wildlife Value edit
  • Bees
  • Butterflies (larvae/caterpillar food)
Propagation Techniques edit
  • Seed
Skill Level edit
  • Beginner
Additional Short Notes add
  • Will sprout back after a light frost or freeze edit | delete
  • Edible flowers, great for salads edit | delete
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Members who grow this plant also grow...
  Calendula officinalis (Pot Marigold, English Marigold)
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  Eschscholzia californica (California Poppy)

Contributors For This Plant
gardenplansireland (195)
toni (36069)
Droopy (10087)
Netty (13946)
Frank (2698)
Tammyd (1215)
Jewell (5504)
Kay (765)
  brombear (1128)

Gardens Containing This Plant
Tammyd's Garden
 ColdeMtnGirl's Garden
Jewell's Garden
tmholding's Garden
Kay's Garden
 brombear's Garden
 Robin H's Garden
 GrowingMyDinner's Garden

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Add Your Opinion About This Plant

  brombear (1128) wrote on Jan 29 2011
Very tolerant of hot dry conditions and as said, poor soil. Good companion plant under fruti trees. repels aphids, ants, cucmber beetles, squash bugs, white flies, borers near fruit. Can eat leaves as well, peppery taste, good with eggs

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Kay (765) wrote on Feb 01 2010
Rating for this plant:
Nasturtiums prefer poor soil, so do not fertilze them, as this will promote foliage growth, but not flowering.

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  Ron Butler (39) wrote on Feb 12 2017
Rating for this plant:
I learned not feed them as well but I love to throw the flowers in my salad.

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Note: please don't use this box to post questions, you can do that on our forums instead.

Images for this Plant

Photo of Tropaeolum majus (Nasturtium)
Tropaeolum majus (Nasturtium)
photo / image / picture
Jul 17 2008
by Netty (13946)
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3 people like this image
This image is copyright of member Netty (13946).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Tropaeolum majus (Nasturtium)
Tropaeolum majus (Nasturtium)
photo / image / picture
May 26 2008
by gardenplansireland (195)
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2 people like this image
This image is copyright of member gardenplansireland (195).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Tropaeolum majus (Nasturtium)
Tropaeolum majus (Nasturtium)
photo / image / picture
Jul 22 2009
by Jewell (5504)
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1 person likes this image
This image is copyright of member Jewell (5504).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

This page includes name data supplied by View their own page for this plant.