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Update On My Pineapple Babies

Category: Container Gardening | Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:14 am

My babies have multiplied! It's four total plants. Three big and one small which is impeded by some type of mold growth. If I have to remove it, I will but I want to give it a little more time to see if it will overcome this obstacle.

I've been looking at The Frugal Gardener for how to take care of them once they get too big for the matzoh crunch container. Since space is a priority, I'm going to see if I can find a place with clear plastic cups and tops for me to grow the larger plants in.

All the other survivors of the formicidae bombardment are doing well. My coleus has grown beyond all recognition as have the geraniums (pelargoniums).

I'm going to bake and recycle the soil on all the ones that died.

Updated Pineapple Plants Progress 28 June 2014 ( photo / image / picture from xantedeschia's Garden )

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