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First Fertilization and Sundry Saintpaulia

Category: Container Gardening | Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:33 pm

Yesterday was unusual in that I fertilized my plants. It's the first feeding of the year. I figured, the Sun is shining on them for longer periods of time, they're going to need something to draw on if they're going to grow to their full potentials. I fertilized everything except for the plants downstairs, the plants in the bathroom and the pineapple/Minneola tangelo seed potential. Yes, it's much earlier than I'd intended on fertilizing but, with the way they're all shooting up, I figured they were all early growers/bloomers.

The Saintpaulia leaves I propagated a few days ago are holding up well in the makeshift greenhouse I've created for them. Well done me. I'm hoping that, within two month's time, I'll have some new babies to separate. By then, I should have several more. I'm quite addicted to African Violets now. Even the pink ones have their appeal and I find the color pink to be hideous in most other circumstances. You'd certainly never catch me wearing it but you might catch me buying a ruffled pink Saintpaulia plant.

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