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Mark of Intention - Garden Plots
Posted: 16 Jan 2022 Posted: 28 Feb 2021 Posted: 09 Jan 2021 Posted: 05 Jan 2021 Posted: 27 Nov 2020 All Entries |
Shave and a Haircut - Three Weeks Until BlissI had to trim the pepper back a bit today to free up some light for the tomatoes. Hopefully, they'll now mature at a quicker rate than they have been. They're (tomatoes) getting an okay-ish quantity of light but it could be better. Now, to all the many peppers. Jalapeno Pepper Plant Showing Fruit 28 August 2015 ( photo / image / picture from xantedeschia's Garden ) I cut a few branches off that didn't have fruit on them. Since the peppers have reached the pinnacle of pepper production for now and the flowers are dropping off, I figured it would be okay to do the trim. Hopefully, down the road, this will lead to even more peppers. According to the updated Aerogarden website (glare), I have about three more weeks until they're ready to be harvested. I find it shocking that they're going to get bigger than they are now. I was fully prepared to eat some until I read that they have to cork first. I want the best flavor, so I'm prepared to wait. This blog entry has been viewed 659 times
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