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Blissful Harvesting

Category: Foodstuffs | Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:46 am

I've just eaten my first tomato from my Aerogarden of Hope. I've never tasted a sweeter tomato in my life. I'm used to the tomatoes in Supermarkets, so this was quite a change to that.

Second Tomato Harvested on the vine ( photo / image / picture from xantedeschia's Garden )

Second Tomato Harvested in my hand 25 January 2016 ( photo / image / picture from xantedeschia's Garden )

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eclecticgarden wrote on Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:09 pm:

How exciting. You'll never be able to buy a supermarket again.


xantedeschia wrote on Wed Jan 27, 2016 12:06 am:

That's actually going to be my first growth experiment. I'm going to get some seeds for a dwarf determinate beefsteak tomato and see how far I get with it in the Aerogarden using a Grow Your Own kit.

Thanks for commenting! :)


Netty wrote on Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:38 pm:

I've always said there is nothing so tasty as a home grown tomato!


xantedeschia wrote on Thu Feb 04, 2016 7:27 am:

I agree wholeheartedly, Netty! :)

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