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Category: Chickens | Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:49 pm

Well, I've lost 13 chickens since December. I think a possum got a couple of them, but the main culprits are coyotes.

I walked to the back of the property this afternoon, gun in hand, and ran right into one. I had a clean shot, but for a second I thought it might be someone's dog. Of course, by the time I was 100% sure it was a coyote he was showing me his hind end.

My egg production is way down and my chicken's lives are at stake. This is war.

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Henry Johnson wrote on Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:28 am:

Go gettem, Tiger, I'll cheer for your success..


Netty wrote on Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:37 pm:

Being the owner of a dog that has the same size and coloring as a coyote, I appreciate that you wanted to be sure before shooting. But those buggers won't move on until they have gotten every one of those chickens unless you do something. It's coyote mating season here, and the buggers are getting brave.

Cayuga Morning wrote on Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:11 am:

I just got a couple of Predator Guards to deal with deer. I'll let you know if they work. I guess though, it'll be hard to discourage the coyotes as they've already gotten a taste of fresh meat. God luck. Hope you have good aim. I would be having Very Hostile Thoughts.

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