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Go Big or Go Home

Category: Gardening | Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 9:52 am

I have ventured into something that I hope I don't end up regretting. I have always struggled with tomatoes. The only time I feel like I was even slightly successful with them was about six years ago.

With that wonderful track record in mind let me tell you that I'm trying again this year with...wait for it... 59 tomato plants! 51 of them are Romas and the other 8 are Pink Oxhearts.

Last year we ended up going to a u-pick tomato farm that was nearby and my wife really liked the Romas. So, since I'm always up for a gardening challenge I decided to dive deep into the world of tomato growing.

I put down a weed barrier and reused an old drip system that has been just sitting in my garden (I normally use a sprinkler). I'm planning to harvest some bamboo for stakes.

So far things have gone well and I saw some blooms yesterday. Now, if I can just keep them looking good and fend off the tomato hornworms.

59 Tomato Plants, May 2016 ( photo / image / picture from eclecticgarden's Garden )

Last edited: Sat May 07, 2016 12:42 pm

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