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Me And Tomatoes

Category: Gardening | Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:12 pm

I do great with everything else, but for some reason I always seem to struggle with tomatoes. Last year I grew a determinate tomato called Floradade that was specifically designed for my area by the University of Florida. That was the best crop of tomato plants I ever grew, but I thought the taste wasn't that great.

My brother always grows Cherokee Purple tomatoes. I love the taste and he does great with them so I thought I would try them this year. I guess they did okay, but I've already had to pull them up because they were looking bad and stopped producing.

My grandfather is probably looking down shaking his head. If he was here he would tell me what I am doing wrong. I guess I'll keep reading and talking to others. Eventually I'll figure out the secret.

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Frank wrote on Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:10 am:

I'm sure you will find your solution here EG. How about maintaining a journal thread to chart your progress for the next batch?


eclecticgarden wrote on Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:13 pm:

Sounds like a good idea Frank. With a little perseverance I'll figure it out. What fun would gardening be if everything went perfectly?

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