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Completed Fairy Garden with Great Photos!

Category: Fairy Garden | Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:14 am

As's the pictures of the completed Fairy Garden in the planter. 16 pictures to be exact.

This shows the entire planter. I tucked moss around the inner circle of flowers and then put tiny gravel down as a path following the edges of the moss. I secured the moss with floral pins hoping to discourage birds and high winds. On the outer edges I mulched the plants with a old bag of orchid mix I had and added my left over moss crumbs pressing it into the soil hoping it stays put.

Welcome to a world of enchantment. On with the good stuff.

This is the Watch Bird. He tells Ma-Ma when short people are doing things they arent suppose to be doing. Madysons always saying "How'd you know?" and I tell her a little bird told me. Here he is! And yes, he has invisible eyes in the back of his head.

I bought tiny Fairies from this link

It's a great company..I had my Fairies in 3 days. I will say this though..the measurements are listed as 2" high and they are not. They are more like 1 3/4". I was still happy with them and plan to order 2 more that were out of stock when I purchased the first 5.

I did alter my Fairies so my photographs and the websites photos will look different. I changed some hair color to make them different, and glued them to some of those bigger flat gems so they wouldnt fall over. They all recieved a coat of laquer hoping to prevent color fade.

It's kind of nice to know what kind of Fairies you'll be using so you know how big (or small) to make things. I also discovered that it's hard to find inexpensive Fairies in stores.

Hope you enjoyed this..everyone needs atleast 1 Fairy Garden somewhere. Fairies are multiplying at my house so more photos to come : )

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Frank wrote on Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:40 am:

Magnificent Joann *round of applause* Easy to see that a large amount of effort went into this.

// frank


Sjoerd wrote on Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:40 am:

What a thoughtful and attractive little garden that fairy garden is. The colours are nice and there is a bit of 'scale'. The whole thing looks very nice.


Droopy wrote on Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:16 pm:

I'm overawed, and can't find words to express my admiration. It's all so well put together.

Leann wrote on Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:20 pm:

My those little fairies have been very busy! Your fairy garden is looking spectacular and your photos are excellant!
Love the story telling too... Very entertaining! lol Can't get away with nothin when the birds have eyes in the back of their heads :)


tschnath wrote on Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:34 pm:

What a great job Joann. Very nice pics. Looks like a lot of work went into that. Thanks for sharing.


Netty wrote on Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:09 pm:

I absolutely adore your Fairy Garden Joanne. My 4 year old does too and now she wants us to build one. Amazing work!


Palm Tree wrote on Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:02 pm:

That is just beautiful. I am in awe. I know it is a little garden, but all the detail, all the plants, all the ornaments, I could get lost in there. It must be the stuff that little ones' dreams are made of. AMazing


petunia wrote on Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:23 pm:

I throughly enjoyed a peek at your fairy garden. You have done alot of work, and its looks great too. Thanks for showing it off.


budagardener wrote on Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:16 pm:

Very nice! What a great idea, it looks fantastic.


cajunbelle wrote on Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:50 pm:

How positively charming. I love it and am glad you shared it with us.


kuntrygal wrote on Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:55 pm:

Just as 'cute as a bug in a rug'. You did a wonderful job. Where will you put it? Will it weather outside or will it go on a covered deck? What type of base did you use? Great job, Joann.


Joann wrote on Sat May 17, 2008 4:40 am: sorry, I just noticed you ask me a question. The Fairy Garden is in a large concrete planter so it will be staying put. It's located in a so called ring around a Maple tree and is out in the open in kind of a courtyard area off my patio. If I had it all to do over again..I'd put it under my covered patio to protect it more. Live and learn.

playswithdirt wrote on Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:06 pm:

I love this idea. I plan to attempt to make one for my yard. Very cozy and creative.

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