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Huge elephant ear made me do it

Category: DONNA'S DIRT | Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:00 am

Hyper tuffa bird bath. ( photo / image / picture from featherphobia's Garden )

After reading others success with using a leaf as a mold when I saw the size of the leaf I just had to try it for myself.
A client of mine mailed a small bulb back from Hawaii when he and his wife vacationed there a few years back. Their house has been for sale and now is going to closing. I had to go open up for the plumber to repair some minor items. The owner told me to be sure to get a bulb of the now huge clump. Going around the back of the house I saw these enormous leaves, not only did I get a few small bulbs I took one of the huge leaves.
Right after I finished applying the mix to the leaf it started to rain, I covered it good with some garbage bags and hoped for the best. After six days I unwrapped it and it is beautiful..I did use more cement than called for in the recipe wanted to be sure it held together.
Think I'll get another and make one for my client. What do you all think?

Last edited: Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:01 am

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eileen wrote on Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:36 am:

Oh yes - a great idea and it will show your client just how much you appreciated the bulbs. It will make a lovely house warming gift for them in their new home.

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