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Cajun 101

Category: Cajun Sayings and Stories | Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:18 am

boucherie (BOOSHREE) butchering When we were children boucherie time was really exciting. Several local friends would come and help Dad butcher the hogs. We knew that special treats were in store, such as boudin, a savory sausage made with rice, pork meat,and seasonings; hogheads cheese, another savory dish made with the head and other meat, cooked down and poured into loaf pans. When it cooled it was unmolded and sliced. Cracklings, fried hog fat, were also a favorite. It was like a big party and we all passed a good time.

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glendann wrote on Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:22 am:

In Texas we did the same thing on the farm.I remember the sausage that were stuffed the most but I they had hams cureing and all the meats hanging in the smokehouse .In fact the old smokehouse still stands to this day.Dirt floors and smelled so good and the big slabs of bacon that mother would slice off was soooo good.

pondlady wrote on Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:24 am:

Oh dear.


cajunbelle wrote on Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:37 am:

Gosh Jan, I am really glad I didn't include the part about us kids eating the hog brains out of the head after it was boiled and cleaned.

Glenda, we had a smoke house too, I remember Dad had a few too many Budweiser's one day and set it afire. The new was a a bigger and better version.


dooley wrote on Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:39 pm:

We had butchering days too. Family would gather and we would do several hogs in one day. I remember when the men brought in this big hog and put it on the kitchen table and the table broke from the weight. We all thought it was funny but mom did not. We had cracklings and the kids stood around and waited for them to finish. It was a big party. Dooley


LittleSister wrote on Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:16 pm:

Having grown up on a chicken farm, my daddy and papaw were sharecroppers, I've certainly seen my share of butchering.

My favorites were playing with the bladder...mamaw would clean it real well and blow into it and seal it up. Then we had pork skins. Annie, who was hired for the day on big events like hog killings, would take her big cast iron pot and make the freshest, bestest fried pork skins in the world.

Thanks for bring back such memories.

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