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Doing The Snoopy Dance,,,,,,,,,,

Category: Artic Living | Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:07 pm

Ohhh yeah thats right, I am doing the snoopy dance. You remember snoopy, dancing ontop of his dog house, nose in the air, arms flying high, legs kicking in all directions. Thats me. Not as graceful as snoopy maybe, but I sure gave it my best shot!

Kolbjørn an I decided to take a trip to Leknes today. Just to get out, have lunch in town, little window shopping, talk to people we know. Nothing much, just getting out an socializing. Getting into the car I couldn't help but notice how light it was. I even commented on it, an he agreed and was wondering the same thing. Both of us with big eyes, big hopes, and big fears that what we was both thinking was just an illusion. The moon was ever present, but it was just to bright out to be just the moon. So we headed out, and as we traveled, the moon was getting higher an higher in the sky, and just not as bright. But, and I mean but, directly across from the moon, the most beautiful sight came over the horizen,,,

We seen the first sun rise of the new year. I looked, and looked, and was starting to get a little blinded by what was shining on me with all the force a winter sun can have. I looked at Kolbjørn, he at me, an we both had tears in our eyes. Not from the brightness, altho he won't admit it, but from the site of the sun. When we got to town, I noticed people just stopping an looking, then moving on. A few times I seen a store clerk or two come out an sneak a peek. Everywhere you stopped someone would say, look who got up early, then point to the sky. It was wonderful, it gave hope, it gave promise, and it touched my soul. It was just what we all needed up here.

All my pictures were taken in the car, but I don't care, road sign, street lamps, an what have you in the pictures,,, Its still the sun.

For one magnificent hour this is what we basked in.

Just a little more of our fairytale island in the North Sea.

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toni wrote on Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:24 pm:

I can understand why the Snoopy Dance, it's been over two months since you have seen it hasn't it?

My thoughts go to the ancient people who didn't know anything about the rest of the world or how the earths tilt causes the seasons. All they knew was that the sun disappeared and they didn't know if it was coming back.

On the other hand, I am sitting 7000+ miles away from you wishing for more overcast days so I won't have to see that 'evil daystar' so often.


eileen wrote on Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:39 pm:

Sunrises always lift my heart Biita but after total darkness for so long who can blame you for having tears in your eyes. Just think todays sunrise is the first of many, many more to come!!!!!!

Could I please copy your piccies for my collection?


Biita wrote on Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:57 pm:

You know toni, thats a big part of the respect i have for up here. You honestly learn to appriciate what isn't there for a time. Whether winter or summer. Its so extreme. And the ancients, i pray i can have their endurance an grace that gave them the courage and will to live here. I sure hope you get some relief soon from the sun. Altho i don't want to give mine up just yet,,lol.

Yes Eileen, the promise of spring has come. and its been so extra dark here with no snow, so that sunrise, just moved me beyond here an back. Please help yourself to any pic anytime.

I look at that pic an i can't help smiling. lol.


Netty wrote on Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:03 pm:

I know how happy I feel when the sun comes out this time of year Biita... I can just imagine your joy!


zuzu's petals wrote on Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:11 pm:

How wonderful, Biita! :-D
Will you have a "Welcome Home Party" for the returning wanderer?

I've had just 2 days of overcast weather,
with an inch of desperately needed rainfall,
and I miss the sun already.


Frank wrote on Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:49 pm:

That's amazing Biita, very happy for you.


glendann wrote on Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:21 pm:

I'm so glad you have had a glorious day.I was in Montana and I think the Sun came out about 3 times in a month.I was so happy to see it.I can not even think of being in the dark that long .I'm afraid when it did come I would break down and
boo hoo really big. :)


Biita wrote on Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:49 pm:

Thank you all for enjoying my happy happy day with just a little taste of the sun back.

Glendann i lived in SD for a few yrs,, so i know what you mean. but in summer that sun is hot, hot, hot. too hot in the midwest.

zuzu, actually we celebrate at the spring equinox,, well not really a celebration but its just an excuse to have a party,,lol. but the big celebration come at mid summers eve. thats when we really celebrate the sun.

Thank you again.


cajunbelle wrote on Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:30 pm:

So glad to see you sunshine Biita. Your post reminds me of a story book I read to my girls when they were little, How the Sun Was Brought Back to the Sky.


Droopy wrote on Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:59 pm:

Wonderful news, Biita! May she shine on you every day for the next couple of months.

diene wrote on Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:00 pm:

Hello Biita;
I complain when I do not see the sun for several days. How spoiled am I? I am glad you have seen the harbinger of warmer days as I know by the time that comes to an area, everyone is ready to see it. Enjoy the sunshine. diene


Biita wrote on Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:34 pm:

Thank you for taking the time to read. You really do learn to appriciate the things you used to take for granted. amazing, i been here for a few yrs. now, but it still just takes my breath away. the extremes.


Sjoerd wrote on Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:58 pm:

What a moving description with the fotos. It made me FEEL your happiness. It also branded the idea of appreciation for things taken for granted.
You have said so much with so few words.
I am happy for you and with you.


dooley wrote on Sat Jan 19, 2008 3:35 am:

Did the sun feel warm? It was cold here this morning when we went out but the sun was bright and warmed it up nicely. It was overly warm in our truck coming home this afternoon. What would we do without it for so long? We are truly spoiled. dooley


Biita wrote on Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:44 am:

Thank you Sjoerd, i was extremely happy,,lol. still am.

Dooley, it wasn't warm at all. we still had to have the heater on in the car an in the seats of the car. it was just bright sitting on the horizon, there won't be heat to the sun here until about April but the North wind won't let us feel it until about May.


SongofJoy57 wrote on Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:31 pm:

Biita: I just love it when you share your world with us . . . it is almost as though you are on a different planet. I love the beautiful pics also. This site with all of my new friends in their unique worlds expands mine so much . . . how truly blessed we are to have each other!!!!


Kratz7 wrote on Sat Jan 19, 2008 6:56 pm:

I love the photos Biita, and Norway must be BEAUTIFUL. Please post some more photos of your part of the world. I live in Pennsylvania and we have alot of gray Winter days around here. I'm trying to patiently wait for Spring.



Biita wrote on Sat Jan 19, 2008 7:55 pm:

Song thats how i feel when i look an read everyone elses posts or blogs,, it just amazes me how beautiful our world is, an how unique each persons place in it truly is. thank you.

Kratz, Norway is beautiful. One of the most beautiful places in this country i feel is a place called the Salt Mountains,, its so baren, its where the polar circle starts. but if you could see just how harsh an yet so graceful it is, it will take your breath away. Spring will be here soon enough, enjoy what you can have right now,, thats one of the hardest lessons i have learned living in the Artic.

Thank you all.


CritterPainter wrote on Sat Jan 19, 2008 9:08 pm:

Really beautiful pictures, Biita! Sounds like you get sunrise & sunset all mixed into one? DH used to live in Alaska and he talks sometimes about the light differences, like 2 am basketball games in the bright summer light. Do you get that too?


Biita wrote on Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:01 pm:

lol,, well maybe not basketball, but walks an hikes, bike rides, or just sitting an talking all night long,, i will work in my gardens at all hours of the night.. so i do love the summer suntime, thats for sure.


Palm Tree wrote on Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:38 am:

Oh Biita
That is so beautiful - your photos made me feel as if I could also do the Snoopy dance and feel justified by doing so - great photos.

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